
EFL User Guide


This is the user guide for non-E17 EFL programs.

3.10 - Evidence

Evidence is an enlightened file manager. While it has seen no large scale beta-test so far, both Enlightenment developers and early adopters trust Evidence with their data on a daily basis. It hasn't been released yet, but it is getting closer (tm). Common sense still applies though - Evidence is still in development and thus you may not want to use it to handle critical/important files. The first thing you should read is the man page and the included documentation. The Evidence project owner is Azundris.

Important note: Evidence is not the same thing as EFM. EFM is the file manager integrated within E17 itself; Evidence is a third-party application.


Sites you might find interesting:

http://evidence.sourceforge.net/ - official website
http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=58061 - official mailing lists

Evidence has an exceptionally comprehensive manual page:

$ man evidence
EVIDENCE(1)                                                        EVIDENCE(1)

evidence - Evidence is a GTK2/evas2 file manager.

gtk2 (to run)
gtk2-devel (to build)

evidence [options] []

evidence sports a tree-view (like fm), a browser-view (a la NeXT),
and, if compiled against a canvas, an icon-view and shelf. If evas
rather than GNOME-canvas is used as a canvas, the icon-view can be
themed in rather extreme ways (like efm and beyond).

evidence gets its information about the file-system from a pluggable
backend, making the use of abstraction layers like efsd or GNOME-vfs
a simple matter of adding a suitable plug-in. Furthermore, plugins
for individual file-types are supported; sample plugins for ID3 (MP3
labels containing year, artist, songname etc.) and Ogg/Vorbis-tags
are provided, enriching "tooltips" and transforming the file-info
dialog into a tag-editor for song-files. Plugins for other data-types
are straightforward to write.

All backends, theme-engines and meta-data providers are pluggable
and will only be loaded if and when they are used, keeping memory
consumption low and avoiding "bloat."

At startup, the file-manager’s window is divided in two sections,
a view on a directory, and the shelf.



The usual tree-view. Columns can be resized an re-ordered.
Clicking on the tiny triangles folds/unfolds a single directory.

Keyboard Controls

* Control-F to search a file by name

* Control-I (or right button) to show info on a file

* Cursor-Keys
- Up/Down previous/next row
- Left/Right previous/next column

While Shift is depressed
- Up/Down add previous/next row to selection
- Left/Right fold/unfold level

While Control is depressed
- Up/Down move focus without resetting selection
- Space add focussed row to selection


The normal mode of operation for most current file-browsers.
Each file is represented by an icon or, in the case of an
image file, by a "thumbnail" version of said image. As
thumb-nailing may take a moment for very large directories,
the mode is more suited for viewing directories and working
in them than for navigation.
A middle-click will bring up a path-menu.
A right-click (or Control-I) will bring up the info-dialog.
Typing a letter will focus on the first while whose name
begins with that letter.


The browser-view consists of a number of columns -- one for
each directory in the path -- that list the file-names of
those directories. If in /home/azundris, three columns would
be shown, listing the items in "/", in "home" and in "azundris",
respectively. On top of each column, an icon representing
the respective directory is displayed. These icons can be
hidden if desired. Clicking on a directory will select it
to be displayed (or "opened"), hiding the previously shown
subsequent directories of the one the newly-selected folder
is located in. The contents of the newly-chosen folder will
be displayed instead. This is more intuitive than it sounds,
and according to NeXT-afficionados, it’s also something you
might really fall in love with.

As in default operations mode a single click suffices to open
a directory, it is necessary to depress the Control-key to
make or extend a selection or to Drag & Drop a directory.

A right-click will bring up the info-dialog.

Control-F will open dialog to search for a file in the current
column. It might be necessary to select a column using the
tab-key first.

Keyboard controls in all views

Control-D ("duplicate") will open a new window showing the same
directory as the current window.

Control-Q ("quit") will terminate evidence.

Control-W will cycle to the next evidence-window.

Control-U will close the current window.

Control-S will re-sort the current window’s contents. This
is for power-users: evidence will sort the icon-view once it
has all information (not only an item’s name, but also whether
it is a folder etc.) it needs to do so. If you scroll the icon-
view while these data are still being loaded (icons are turning
from question marks into other icons or into thumbnails), evidence
assumes that you have started working in the icon-view and will
try not to interfere (it will not move the entirety of the icons
around by sorted them).

Control-I will get information (in the guise of a "tooltip") for
the highlighted file; ^M will open a context-menu for it; ^P will
go directly to the properties-dialog ("file-info"), ^R will rename.

Alt-T, Alt-B, Alt-I and Alt-A select tree-view, browser-view,
icon-view and credits, respectively. The tabs of the "notebook"
need not be visible for this to work.

File-operations in views

An item -- file, application or directory -- can be passed to
another application by "dragging" it there. To drag a file,
move the pointer over it and press the first mouse-button.
This will select the file. If the mouse is now moved while
keeping the button depressed, the item will follow the
movement of the mouse-pointer: you are dragging it.

To "drop" the item on a target, simply release the mouse-button.
Normally, the shape of the mouse-pointer will change while it
is passing over a target that accepts drops; this makes it easy
to find out whether an application accepts files and other items
this way.

What will happen as a result of this "drag and drop" operation
(DND) depends on the target -- dragging an item onto

* on the shelf -- the bottom area of the window -- will place a
reference to that file on the shelf. You can now access the
file even if you select another directory to be displayed in
the view. The file

* another application will normally cause that application to
try and open the item (normally some sort of data file);

* an application item in evidence will start that program and
ask it to open the item as data to work on. The application
may be located in the view or on the shelf. What the
application will do with the data will depend on both the
application and the type of data you drag onto it; dragging
an MP3 or OGG file on a music player would likely get the
song(?) played, trying to drop it on a text editor instead
will likely not produce satisfactory results;

* a directory folder in evidence will copy the item into that
directory; the target folder may be located in the view or
on the shelf; alternatively, you may move the file into the
target folder (by depressing Shift while dropping, watch the
mouse-pointer change), or place a link to the file there (by
depressing both Shift and Control);

* a directory folder in the browser-view’s icon-path will move
the item into that directory; alternatively, you may move the
file into the target folder, or place a link to the file there.

Mouse-operation in all views

Left mouse-button

Left-clicking on an icon or a list-entry selects that entry.

Left-clicking on an icon or a list-entry and then moving around
while keeping the button pressed activates "Drag & Drop" -- see
previous entry, "File-operations in views."

Left-clicking between icons opens a "rubberband" selector in

Midde mouse-button

Middle-clicking on an icon or a list-entry shows information on
that entry (a "tooltip"-bubble).

Middle-clicking on something other than an icon or a list-entry
will open a pop-menu showing the "path-history" -- one item for
each directory in the path to the current one. Selecting an
entry will "jump" to that folder and display it. To close the
menu without jumping elsewhere, simply click outside the menu.

Right mouse-button

Right-clicking on an icon or a list-entry shows a pop-up menu
with (hopefully) sensible things to do with that kind of file.
This menu can be edited (PREFIX/share/evidence/evidence.menu)
or overridden (~/.evidence/evidence.menu).

Right-clicking on something other than an icon or a list-entry
will open a menu with general evidence-related options
(including the option to switch to another view, which is
helpful if one turns off the "tabs").

Since almost all space is occupied by list-items in tree-view,
the evidence-related menu can also always be brought up by
holding the Control-key while right-clicking, no matter
whether or not an icon or list-item is under the mouse-arrow.


The shelf is the area at the bottom of the window. Files can
be dragged onto the shelf from the view above. Once on the shelf,
the the file can be subjected to the same operations as files in
one of the above views, so the shelf can be used as launchpad
and as temporary storage.

To use the shelf as a launchpad, simply place something you
often use on the shelf by dragging it there, then activate it
with a double-click when desired. The action then taken depends
on the nature of the item:

* a directory folder will be displayed in the above view

* an application will be started

* a file will be passed to a suitable application if such an
application is known; otherwise, the user is offered to select
an application from a list

The shelf can be resized to whatever the user deems appropriate,
up to hiding it completely to use all of the window’s estate for
one of the above file-views.

Primary Selection

When you select text (in a terminal, chat program, browser, ...)
with the left mouse-button and it is highlighted, this is known
as the "primary selection" in X speak. This text then can be
"pasted" into many applications using the middle mouse-button.

The primary selection may be pasted into evidence’s "typebuffer"
(a "micro-shell" described in the next section).

Also, whenever you (de-) select files in evidence, the list of
selected files will be set as the primary selection. Hence,
you may select files in evidence and then "paste" the list of
those files into a terminal/shell of your choice.


The typebuffer is like a "micro-shell." The type-buffer can be
opened using ^O, ^L, Alt-O, Alt-L, <, / or the Escape key, in
other words, with anything that remotely makes sense. Once the
typebuffer is active, you may enter

* an URL that will be dealt with according to the entry in
"evidence.handlers" which normally resides in

* a directory the contents of which should be displayed;

* a command to be executed. Its textual output, if any, will go
to the shell that called evidence.

* a property ("config variable") to be modified. This will change
evidence’s behaviour at run-time. There are several of built-in
properties; the user may also set all properties settable in

’iconfont eraser
Display icon-labels using the "eraser" TrueType font
(which must reside in one of the well-known font-directories)

’openfolderanimation none
No animation when opening folders

The ’ is mandatory -- it tells the typebuffer that it should
modify a property. If you miss the ’, the typebuffer will
mistake your property for a program to run and the property’s
value as a parameter for that program.

The following special keys are available while entering something
into the typebuffer:

* Backspace deletes the rightmost character in the buffer;

* Escape aborts entry; the line will be discarded;

* Return ends entry; the line will be processed.

* Control-X: cut the typebuffer (move it to the clipboard)

* Control-C: copy the typebuffer to the clipboard

* Control-V: paste clipboard’s contents into typebuffer

* Control-B: paste primary selection into typebuffer (same as

While the typebuffer is active, its contents will be visible in
the title-bar of evidence’s window.

evidence accepts at least the following options:

-h, --help
Show summary of options.

--efm Look like the efm/essence design studies. This is a shortcut for
"evidence --no-shelf --no-notebook --no-border -T essence".

-M, --desktop
Start with window covering the entire screen and scrollbars dis‐
abled. This will effectively make evidence draw the desktop.

-T mytheme, --theme=mytheme
Use theme "mytheme". Note that for themes to work, evidence
needs to be build against evas, the enlightened canvas.

-P myicons, --iconset=myicons
Override icon-set given in theme with "myicons".

-s, --without-shelf
Do not create a "shelf" area (temporary work area beneath the
actual view).

-S, --with-shelf
Do create a "shelf" area (temporary work area beneath the actual

-W, --with-tooltips
When mouse rests on a file-icon, open info box without waiting
for a click of the middle mouse-button.

-Z, --select
Preselect a given file. "evidence --select /foo/fonts --select
/foo/src" will open a view on directory foo and preselects the
items fonts and src. This option may be used several times.
Unless virtual folders are supported, all items must reside in
the same directory. Example of use: sagasu (http://www3.sympa‐
tico.ca/sarrazip/dev/sagasu.html). Set editor command to evi‐
dence --select "%f"

HOME representation

If a file "photo" is located in the user’s ~/.gnome2 or ~/.gnome,
this image will be used to represent the user’s (home-) directory.

File-access backends

evidence can be compiled to access the file-system "directly"
(using the standard glibc functions present on every system),
via Gnome-VFS, via efsd (the enlightened file system daemon), ...

If the UNIX-fs backend is used, the appropriate icon to use for a
file is determined using "mime.types" which assigns a MIME-type to
a file extension (what comes after the dot in the name) and
"mime.icons" which assigns an icon to a MIME-type. These files live
in PREFIX/share/evidence (/usr/local/share/evidence by default).

The "direct"/POSIX backend contains code written for efsd by cK.

Meta-data providers

The image provider can save to all formats known by imlib2. This
specifically means that you can *not* save GIF-pictures at this
time, as Imlib2 has no support for that yet. : (

The MP3 provider will read an ID3v2 tag, an ID3v1 tag, or provide
an empty basic label, in order of preference. It will save both
ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, with identical data (to the extent that
those are supported by ID3v1). Genres can be selected in a
pop-up menu, or entered as text ("Blues") or index ("(0)").
Text-entry is somewhat lenient -- "Acid Jazz" will be recognized
if given as "acIDJAzZ"). If a genre "foo" is not recognized,
it will be saved as "Other: foo" ("(12) foo" internally).
By the same token, you can enter random qualifiers to a genre
after a colon: "Blues: 12-bar" (aka "(0): 12-bar"). Only the
first part (the actual genre, "Blues") will be visible in ID3v1
tags; ID3v2 will show both.

All files in "$PREFIX/share/evidence" can be overridden with equiva‐
lents in "$HOME/.evidence". Aside from icons, in particular the fol‐
lowing may be overridden:

mime.types assign MIME-types to file-extensions
mime.icons assign icons to MIME-types
evidence.menu entries in right-click menu for each MIME-type
evidence.providers meta-data providers (ID3-tags, ogg-infos, etc.)
evidence.handlers protocol-handlers for typebuffer (http, ftp, ...)

Themes go in $PREFIX/share/evidence/themes (by default, this means
/usr/local/share/evidence/themes). A theme can be selected by
supplying its directory to the -T switch. If no -T option is
given on the command line, evidence will look for a symlink
"default" in the themes folder that references the theme you want.

evidence can be tuned at source-level by editing the userconfig.h file.


When opening folders is very slow, this may actually be
a problem with the animation being slow. Disable the
animation by setting the openfolderanimation property
to none ("’openfolderanimation none" in the typebuffer,
the theme, or the evidence.theme in ~/.evidence).

Likewise, "’openappanimation none" inhibits the
animation that normally denotes the start of a

Tree-view / Browser-view

Let’s face it, working with a (GTK2) tree-view with many entries
is not pretty. It’s 3rd party code, so there isn’t a lot I can do.
Except for recreate the tree- and browser-views with EWL, which I
intend to do.


The backend and store should be self-tuning; when a
folder takes too long to process, evidence will create
a persistant cache of that folder so it will be loaded
faster the next time around. ("too long" is defined in
userconfig.h::CACHE_SLOWER_THAN as 3s.)


Azundris .

It's also highly modular and customizable. It can be anything from a plain lightweight file-browser to a fully featured highly graphical one that can thumbnail videos, pictures and so on. You'll need to have GTK2 and GTK2-devel installed in order to build and run Evidence. Various optional plugins and effects have other dependencies. There is a large number of plugins you can enable or disable with configure arguments - by default it scans your system and builds it against everything you have installed. If you are reading this guide you probably have the EFL installed - this will enable all kinds of nice graphical effects. Currently when you run Evidence, you'll be presented a list of the options that were selected when it was compiled. Enabling and disabling plugins will become easier in the future.

Evidence has up to three different view modes and many features that sets it apart from other filemanagers. For example there is a typebuffer/micro-shell. If you open it (with a certain key, ESC etc) you can type shell commands or change configuration options in real time. Please see the man page for in-depth information. While Evidence is not officially released and thus not supported, there is an Evidence-users mailing list and you can also try to get help from IRC.
Usage: evidence [option(s)] [directory]

Supported Options:

-e, --efm Look like efm
-h, --help Print this help text
-V, --version Prints version information and exits
-D, --debug=dl Set verbosity to level [dl] (-1..4)
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
-q, --quiet Decrease verbosity
-g, --geometry 1x2+3+4 make window 1 wide and 2 high, place at 3,4
-M, --desktop Start with a fullscreen "desktop" (maximized)
-T, --theme=theme uses that theme
-P, --icon-set=is Select icon-set (name or path)
-i, --icons Start in icon-view
-t, --tree Start in tree-view
-b, --browser Start in browser
-a, --about Start with credits
-n, --without-notebook Do not show a "notebook" ("tabs")
-s, --without-shelf Do not create a "shelf" area (-S)
-f, --without-border Do not "decorate" window (-F)
-w, --without-tooltips when mouse rests on a file-icon, don't open info box --
wait for a click of the middle mouse-button
-E set evas rendering engine (software_x11, gl_x11, ...)
-x Don't create thumbnails for icon-view
-y Don't create thumbnails for shelf
-Z, --select open a view on the directory that contains this
item. select the item. may be given multiple
times if all items reside in the same directory.
-d, --dir=dir Start in directory [dir] (efm compatibility)
Please note that the Evas gl_X11 rendering engine is currently unstable and included as a proof of concept only. Using software mode is recommended. Evidence comes with several themes. You can find them in /usr/share/evidence/themes (depending on where you installed it). The included themes are:
  • azundris.bw
  • efm
  • fishtank
  • green
  • metallo
  • rephormed
  • tosh
  • OtE
  • essence
  • lain
  • nautilus
  • scorpio
  • transwarp
Some of these themes are just meant to be technology demos (fishtank for example) and aren't meant to be used for other than testing purposes. It is possible to customize (change fonts, behaviour etc) these themes easily by editing the evidence.theme text file in the themes directory.

Some other configuration files in /usr/share/evidence (depends on where you installed it) you may find interesting are:
  • mime.handlers - specifies what to open a file with then it's double-clicked
  • evidence.handlers - if an URL is entered in the micro shell/typebuffer, what program to use to open a specific protocol
  • evidence.menu - specify what "open it with" options are in Evidence's context (right-click) menu

There are more config files, these are just the ones you'll probably want to customize first. All these files are clearly commented. If you don't want to change global settings, it's also possible to copy the contents of /usr/share/evidence to ~/.evidence.

