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Animated Backgrounds For Enlightenment DR 17
E17 backgrounds can be much more than just a static picture. They can contain all kinds of animations and effects. Here you can find some animated background EDJ files for usage in e17. The easiest way to use these EDJ backgrounds is to copy them to ~/.e/e/backgrounds and then use the wallpaper configuration dialog to select the background.
Title: Nixie
Version: 0.1
Author: Andrew 'Rooster' Stack
Last Updated: Sun, 23 March 2008
License: GPL
Comment: Steampunk background with animated nixie tube clock that tells the system time. Based off 'circuit'.
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Title: Wannaplay
Version: 0.1
Author: Davide Orsi
Last Updated: Sun, 3 February 2008
License: GPL
Comment: You beloved friend is back: Tamagotchi. :)
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Title: Just Debian
Version: 1.0
Author: Seraphyn
Last Updated: Tue, 8 January 2008
License: GPL
Comment: Small rotating 3D Debianlogo, rounded like a globe.
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Title: Endurance
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Enrique J. Gil
Last Updated: Tue, 8 January 2008
License: GPL 3
Comment: A sliding 360 degrees view of the Endurance crater, built from different shots taken by the Mars Rover Opportunity. A small moon rotates around the E logo.
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Title: Earthviews
Version: 0.5.2
Author: Brian 'morlenxus' Miculcy
Last Updated: Mon, 16 July 2007
License: GPL
Comment: The viewport moves slowly from left to right, so that it looks a bit like the earth is rotating. While moving the earth images slowly fades to night image and then back to day.
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Title: India
Version: 0.76
Author: Dan Kasak, Michael Gordon
Last Updated: Fri, 20 April 2007
License: 2-clause BSD
Comment: This background is from a trip to India. It features a nice logo animation!
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Title: Squares & Letters
Version: 0.1
Author: Davide Orsi
Last Updated: Fri, 12 January 2007
License: GPL
Comment: Lightweight background with moving squares and mixed letters.
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Title: Handmade
Version: 0.1
Author: Davide Orsi
Last Updated: Thu, 11 January 2007
License: Creative Commons 2.5
Comment: Very nice animation, the hand is closing to a fist and back to an open hand.
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Title: The Awakening
Version: 0.1
Author: Daniel Kasak
Last Updated: Tue, 12 December 2006
License: 2-clause BSD
Comment: This background features photos from 'The Awakening' event. It has a very nice animation, but in fact it doesn't run well on lower cpu's (takes about 90-100% of the cpu). So you can run it perfectly as a desklock background - or you get a better cpu. ;)
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Title: Savrien
Version: 0.1
Author: Justin 'Surtsey' Krueger
Last Updated: Sat, 4 November 2006
License: 3-clause BSD/GPL (more information can be found in the edje file)
Comment: A continuation to Avrien - essentially the same with some added texture and optimization. The speed is reduced so it consumes less cycles - but it's got a directive in the edc file so if you have capable hardware feel free to crank it up and drool. Vice versa for calculators.
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Title: C3D2-23C3
Version: 0.1
Author: Matthias Petermann
Last Updated: Wed, 1 November 2006
License: Creative Commons 2.5
Comment: The wallpaper shows a photography of one of Dresdens most famous sites - the 'Prager Strasse' - at nighttime. Some of the original luminous advertisings at the surrounding buildings were replaced with chaotic signs as a tribute to our local Chaos Computer Club Dresden. It features a Blinkenlights animation and a flashing 'e', and last but not least it reminds of the upcoming 23th Chaos Communication Congress with the apple-shaped logo by Antenne.
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Title: Colors of freedom
Version: 0.2
Author: Stanislav Sedov
Last Updated: Mon, 2 October 2006
License: 2-clause BSD
Comment: FreeBSD-style wallpaper based on original artwork by Anton Gural. Displays various messages on mouse over. Additionly, there is a simple animation begins when clicking on FreeBSD logo.
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Title: e17_pong
Version: 0.1
Author: Diablo150
Last Updated: Sun, 10 September 2006
License: Creative Commons 2.5
Comment: Based from the Paddleballs background
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Title: Avrien
Version: 0.1
Author: Justin 'Surtsey' Krueger
Last Updated: Mon, 21 August 2006
License: 3-clause BSD
Comment: Fades between 4 images at 5 minute intervals. You have to stare at this for a while to get the full effect, but it rocks !!
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Title: Gentoo Stare
Version: 0.1
Author: Daniel Fitzpatrick
Last Updated: Sun, 2 April 2006
License: GPL | Artistic-2.0
Comment: Light shines over the text and braille at the bottom periodically, and purple "noise" takes place when mousing over Larry's face. Based on the icantux's original artwork found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.
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Title: Tamanu
Version: 0.4
Author: Daniel Kasak
Last Updated: Sat, 11 March 2006
License: 2-clause BSD
Comment: Panoramic shot of 'Tamanu on the Beach', in Vanuatu, taken by Daniel on his honeymoon featuring animated explosions at the top left of the background.
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Title: matrix-RAD
Version: 0.0.1
Author: David 'onefang' Seikel
Last Updated: Mon, 6 February 2006
License: 3-clause BSD
Comment: Very colourful, and it slowly morphs over a long period of time. Sorry about it being such a CPU hog, I'll try to fix that later.
| And I mean a really slow morph. For those in a hurry, there is a screen shot from later in the sequence, plus a sneak preview of the matching theme at the emu modules page on |
Title: Ladybug
Version: 1.0
Author: lorinc
Last Updated: Fri, 30 December 2005
License: 3-clause BSD
Comment: The ladybug warps around the screen. Custom version of a background by <a href="" target="_blank">raster</a>.
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Title: whiteCarbon
Version: 0.2
Author: Tanguy Herrmann
Last Updated: Thu, 29 December 2005
License: GPL
Comment: The Enlightenment banner (very) smoothly changes color every 30 seconds. Based on the background from the Carbon-14 theme by Shengjie-Liu. Includes fixes by lorinc and Thanatermesis.
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Title: leftaloneHouses
Version: 0.1
Author: Wilhelm 'leftalone' Gabriel
Last Updated: Mon, 12 December 2005
License: GPL
Comment: A nice winter landscape which fades to monocrome and back to color mode.
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Title: Road To Enlightenment
Author: Jens Jahnke
Last Updated: Tue, 1 November 2005
License: Creative Commons by-nd 2.5
Comment: Photo taken last year during a walking tour. Animated version.
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Title: White Fortune
Version: 1.1
Author: Daniel G. Siegel
Last Updated: Fri, 23 December 2005
License: Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.5
Comment: Everytime you move the mouse pointer over the logo, another (funny) sentence appears.
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Title: E17 Ripple
Author: Cody Precord
Last Updated: Wed, 7 December 2005
License: Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.5
Comment: Animated. Good example of embedded objects generating effects at the background level.
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Title: Coreline
Author: crm
Last Updated: Wed, 7 December 2005
License: 3-clause BSD
Comment: Animated
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Title: Layered sky
Author: raster
Last Updated: Wed, 7 December 2005
License: 3-clause BSD
Comment: Animated (heavy technology showcase, only for testing purposes!)
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