
Enlightenment DR17 User Guide


This is the Get-E.org Enlightenment DR17 User Guide. Please note that this guide only covers the E17 windowmanager and its dependencies. For information on other EFL based programs, consult the EFL user guide instead.

6.2.1 - Background Settings

E17 uses binary EDJ format files for backgrounds. These files may also contain animations and various effects. Please check our EDJ backgrounds sections (animated and static) if you want to download some animated or normal static EDJ background files.

The E17 background selector can be found from the control panel (under "Configuration" in the main E17 menu). It displays all background EDJ files that are placed in the directory ~/.e/e/backgrounds when Personal is selected. If you select System, it will list all the background EDJ files located in the system-wide background directory. If you wish to use the background that is provided by the theme, just check the Use Theme Wallpaper box.

E17's new Wallpaper Dialog also gives you the option to import different images. Currently jpg and png are supported. You can do this by clicking the Picture button, which will launch a dialog similar to this one, allowing you to select an image, along with some options for the image's positioning:

After selecting your image and pressing Ok, E will convert the image to an EDJ format using whatever options you selected, automatically copy the image to the proper place, and set it as the background.

TODO: Cover gradient options

