


Welcome to Get-E.org

Welcome to Get-E.org

Enlightenment DR 17 is a next-generation window manager for UNIX operating systems. It is currently in a pre-alpha stage and is under heavy development. A fairly large community already uses the development version from CVS on a daily basis though. Note that E17 is not officially supported at this stage, but people are free to try it out of course, but the standard disclaimers for pre-alpha software apply.

What we are

Welcome to the E17 users' portal. This site aims to provide high quality eyecandy for your e17 desktop experience.
We're trying to keep all content up to date, but sometimes we may not be able to keep up with the E17 development - some content may be outdated every now and then. Please take a look around and enjoy the stay.

Huge Update - Brian 'morlenxus' Miculcy [All my articles] (Fri, 12 Jan 2007 09:28:35 +0000)

Now here comes a huge update:

The darkness theme by Viktor 'saturn_vk' Kojouharov has been updated to version .
There where minor changes in the border buttons, mouse pointer and ibox/ibar labels.

The Uberpinguin Entrance theme by William 'uberpinguin' Keaney has been updated to version 0.2 .
The background of the login panel is now animated with transparency and a gradient, the power and reset buttons glow in the correct location when pressed.

We have new animated backgrounds: Squares & Letters and Handmade, created by Davide Orsi.
The first one is very lightweight and shows moving squares and the word enlightenment where the letters will be mixed after some time. The second show a hand closing to a fist and back to an open hand.

We also have a new static background called RockE, created by Sekoica.
It shows the letter E curve with rock background. He got his inspiration from his appartement room number: E3.

Also we have a new animated terminal icon, submitted by Tim Felgentreff.
It uses the Tango terminal icon.

