


Welcome to Get-E.org

Welcome to Get-E.org

Enlightenment DR 17 is a next-generation window manager for UNIX operating systems. It is currently in a pre-alpha stage and is under heavy development. A fairly large community already uses the development version from CVS on a daily basis though. Note that E17 is not officially supported at this stage, but people are free to try it out of course, but the standard disclaimers for pre-alpha software apply.

What we are

Welcome to the E17 users' portal. This site aims to provide high quality eyecandy for your e17 desktop experience.
We're trying to keep all content up to date, but sometimes we may not be able to keep up with the E17 development - some content may be outdated every now and then. Please take a look around and enjoy the stay.

Translations Offline - Valtteri "vrln" Vainikka [All my articles] (Thu, 05 Jan 2006 18:59:34 +0000)

Due to the documentation changing too quickly, it is unfortunately too difficult to keep this translation system in place. Sorry about this, it was a mistake to accept translations at this point in the first place. Translations will return once E17 goes beta (feature locked) and we start working on the final documentation for the stable E17. All current translators have been invited to keep their place once that happens. We do not accept other translator position "reservations" at this point.

If you are are one of the people who currently have a work-in-progress translation (one that is in our content management system, but not on this site), but haven't gotten email from me today (I sent all translators a long email about this, but it could be that I missed someone's email address), please email me so I can explain all this in detail.

We'd like to thank all the translators for their hard work - sorry, it is just too early at this point, and as documentation changes all the time, we've been putting you through an unnecessary amount of work. The user documentation (and probably the rest too) will be rewritten from scratch at least one time (again) before E17 is released. Translations will return as soon as E17 goes beta though. Also, if someone still wishes to write a translation even though the source documentation changes too quickly, you are free to do it (but we won't host it), since most of our documentation is under a very liberal licence: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5.

